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I really enjoyed making this work, it took me a lot of time making it by when I finished it it was amazing. For making this work I needed a lot of pascience and creativity. at the beggining of this work I had a lot of color with a lot of conbinations. But i was finishing and theere were some blank spaces left i was out of color and combinations. This work helped me have a lot more of pascience and also made me realizxe that nmot all the things had to be done in an instant because if you want them to be done in a second, the things are going to be finished not as good as you wanted. 
In this work we had to draw lines and curves and when i finished drawing the lines it turned out to be abstract figures. When we finished making the lines and curves, we had to pass with a black marker through the figures. Then we had to paint with dots, with colors or just with black. With the colors andf with the duts we had to apply the techniques that our teacher showed us.